Saturday, July 15, 2023


ॐ कोऽयमात्मेति वयमुपास्महे कतरः स आत्मा । येन वा पश्यति येन वा शृणोति येन वा गंधानाजिघ्रति येन वा वाचं व्याकरोति येन वा स्वादु चास्वादु च विजानाति ॥१॥

III-i-1: What is It that we worship as this Self? Which of the two is the Self? Is It that by which one sees, or that by which one hears, or that by which one smells odour, or that by which one utters speech, or that by which one tastes the sweet or the sour?

कौन है वह आत्मा जिसकी हम उपासना करते हैं ? कौन है वह आत्मा जिससे देखा जाता है, जिससे सुना जाता है, जिससे गन्ध को सूँघा जाता है, जिससे वाणी को व्याकरित किया जाता है, जिससे स्वाद और आस्वाद को जाना जाता है ?॥१॥

यदेतद्धृदयं मनश्चैतत् । संज्ञानमाज्ञानं विज्ञानं प्रज्ञानं मेधा दृष्टिर्धृतिमतिर्मनीषा जूतिः स्मृतिः संकल्पः क्रतुरसुः कामोवश इति । सर्वाण्येवैतानि प्रज्ञानस्य नामधेयानि भवंति ॥२॥

III-i-2: It is this heart (intellect) and this mind that were stated earlier. It is sentience, rulership, secular knowledge, presence of mind, retentiveness, sense-perception, fortitude, thinking, genius, mental suffering, memory, ascertainment resolution, life-activities, hankering, passion and such others. All these verily are the names of Consciousness.

यह जो हृदय है वही मन भी है । संज्ञान्, आज्ञान्, विज्ञान, प्रज्ञान, मेधा, द्रष्टि, धृति, मति, मनीषा, जूति, स्मृति, संकल्प, क्रतु, असु, काम और वश - ये सब के सब प्रज्ञान् के ही नामधेय हैं ॥२॥

एष ब्रह्मैष इन्द्र एष प्रजापतिरेते सर्वे देवा इमानि च पञ्चमहाभूतानि पृथिवी वायुराकाश आपो ज्योतींषीत्येतानीमानि च क्षुद्रमिश्राणीव । बीजानीतराणि चेतराणि चाण्डजानि च जारुजानि च स्वेदजानि चोद्भिज्जानि चाश्वा गावः पुरुषा हस्तिनो यत्किञ्चेदं प्राणि जङ्गमं च पतत्रि च यच्च स्थावरं सर्वं तत्प्रज्ञानेत्रं प्रज्ञाने प्रतिष्ठितं प्रज्ञानेत्रो लोकः प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठा प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म ॥३॥

III-i-3: This One is (the inferior) Brahman; this is Indra, this is Prajapati; this is all these gods; and this is these five elements, viz. earth, air, space, water, fire; and this is all these (big creatures), together with the small ones, that are the procreators of others and referable in pairs - to wit, those that are born of eggs, of wombs, of moisture of the earth, viz. horses, cattle, men, elephants, and all the creatures that there are which move or fly and those which do not move. All these have Consciousness as the giver of their reality; all these are impelled by Consciousness; the universe has Consciousness as its eye and Consciousness is its end. Consciousness is Brahman. 

यह ब्रह्म है, यह इन्द्र है, यही प्रजापति है, यही समस्त देव और पृथ्वी, वायु, आकाश, जल, तेज - ये पाँच महाभूत है, यही क्षुद्र जीवों सहित उनके बीज और अण्डज, जरायुज, स्वेदज, उद्भिज्ज, अश्व, गौ, हाथी, एवं मनुष्य है तथा जो कुछ भी यह पँखोंवाले, जंगम और स्थावर, प्राणिवर्ग हैं वह सब प्रज्ञानेत्र हैं । प्रज्ञान में ही प्रतिष्ठित प्रज्ञानेत्र लोक है । प्रज्ञा ही प्रतिष्ठा है, प्रज्ञान् ही ब्रह्म है ॥३॥

स एतेन प्राज्ञेनाऽऽत्मनाऽस्माल्लोकादुत्क्रम्यामुष्मिन्स्वर्गे लोके सर्वान् कामानाप्त्वाऽमृतः समभवत् समभवत् ॥४॥

III-i-4: Through this Self that is Consciousness, he ascended higher up from this world, and getting all desires fulfilled in that heavenly world, he became immortal, he became immortal.

वह इस लोक से उत्क्रमण कर उस स्वर्ग लोक में इस प्रज्ञानरूप आत्म सहित सभी कामनाओं से तृप्त हो अमृत हो गया, हो गया ॥४॥

Image Source: GoogleImage

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मनो हि द्विविधं प्रोक्तं शुद्धं चाशुद्धमेव च । अशुद्धं कामसंकल्पं शुद्धं कामविवर्जितम्॥१॥ 1. The mind is chiefly spoken of as of...