II-i-1: In man indeed is the soul first conceived. That which is the semen is extracted from all the limbs as their vigour. He holds that self of his in his own self. When he sheds it into his wife, then he procreates it. That is its first birth.
सबसे पहले यह पुरुष शरीर में ही गर्भरूप से रहता है । यह जो रेतस् है, वह सभी अंगों का तेज है, आत्मभाव से उसे स्वयं में ही धारण करता है । जब उसको स्त्री में सिंचन करता है, तब उसको ही उत्पन्न करता है । यही इसका पहला जन्म है ॥१॥
तत्स्त्रिया आत्मभूयं गच्छति यथा स्वमङ्गं तथा । तस्मादेनां न हिनस्ति । साऽस्यैतमात्मानमत्र गतं भावयति ॥२॥
II-i-2: That becomes non-different from the wife, just as much as her own limb is. Therefore (the foetus) does not hurt her. She nourishes this self of his that has entered here (in her womb).
वह स्त्री के ही आत्मभाव को प्राप्त हो जाता है, जिस प्रकार स्वयं का अंग होता है । इसी कारण उसे पीड़ा नहीं देता । वह यहाँ आये हुए उस आत्म का पालन करती है ॥२॥
सा भावयित्री भावयितव्या भवति । तं स्त्री गर्भ बिभर्ति । सोऽग्र एव कुमारं जन्मनोऽग्रेऽधिभावयति । स यत्कुमारं जन्मनोऽग्रेऽधिभावयत्यात्मानमेव तद्भावयत्येषं लोकानां सन्तत्या । एवं सन्तता हीमे लोकास्तदस्य द्वितीयं जन्म ॥३॥
II-i-3: She, the nourisher, becomes fit to be nourished. The wife bears that embryo (before the birth). He (the father) protects the son at the very start, soon after his birth. That he protects the son at the very beginning, just after birth, thereby he protects his own self for the sake of the continuance of these worlds. For thus is the continuance of these worlds ensured. That is his second birth.
तब वह पोषण करने वाली, स्वयं भी पोषण के योग्य होती है । वह स्त्री गर्भ धारण करती है । वह कुमार के रूप में जन्म लेता है, उन्नति करता है । इस प्रकार वह आत्म ही कुमाररूप में जन्म लेता हुआ और उन्नति करता हुआ लोकों का विस्तार करता है । इस प्रकार लोक में संततिरूप से यह ही दूसरा जन्म है ॥३॥
सोऽस्यायमात्मा पुण्येभ्यः कर्मभ्यः प्रतिधीयते । अथास्यायामितर आत्मा कृतकृत्यो वयोगतः प्रैति । स इतः प्रयन्नेव पुनर्जायते तदस्य तृतीयं जन्म ॥४॥
II-i-4: This self of his (viz. the son) is substituted (by the father) for the performance of virtuous deeds. Then this other self of his (that is the father of the son), having got his duties ended and having advanced in age, departs. As soon as he departs, he takes birth again. That is his (i.e. the son's) third birth.
वह यह आत्म उसके पुण्यों का प्रतिनिधि हो जाता है । और इसका वह अन्य आत्म कर्तव्यों को पूर्ण करके, आयु पूरी होने पर प्रस्थान करता है । और यहाँ से जाकर ही फिर पुनः जन्म लेता है, यह इसका तीसरा जन्म है ॥४॥
तदुक्तमृषिणा गर्भे नु सन्नन्वेषामवेदमहं देवानां जनिमानि विश्वा शतं मा पुर आयसीररक्षन्नधः श्येनो जवसा निरदीयमिति । गर्भ एवैतच्छयानो वामदेव एवमुवाच ॥५॥
II-i-5: This fact was stated by the seer (i.e. mantra): "Even while lying in the womb, I came to know of the birth of all the gods. A hundred iron citadels held me down. Then, like a hawk, I forced my way through by dint of knowledge of the Self". Vamadeva said this while still lying in the mother's womb.
यही बात ऋषि ने कही है - ‘मैंने गर्भ में रहते हुए ही इन देवताओं के समस्त जन्मों को जान लिया है । मुझे सैकड़ों लोहे के समान कठोर शरीरों ने अवरुद्ध कर रखा था अब मैं बाज़ पक्षी के समान वेग से सबको तोड़ता हुआ बाहर निकल आया हूँ’ । गर्भ में सोए हुए ही वामदेव ऋषि ने इस प्रकार यह कहा ॥५॥
स एवं विद्वानस्माच्छरीरभेदादूर्ध्व उत्क्रम्यामुष्मिन् स्वर्गे लोके सर्वान् कामानाप्त्वाऽमृतः समभवत् समभवत् ॥६॥
II-i-6: He who had known thus (had) become identified with the Supreme, and attained all desirable things (even here); and having (then) ascended higher up after the destruction of the body, he became immortal, in the world of the Self. He became immortal.
इस प्रकार जानने वाला वह इस शरीर को भेदकर, ऊपर की ओर उत्क्रमण करके उस स्वर्गलोक में समस्त कामनाओं से तृप्त होकर अमृत हो गया, हो गया ॥६॥
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