Friday, July 14, 2023

PRASHNA UPANISHAD: Fifth Question(Prashna)

अथ हैनं सैब्यः सत्यकामः पप्रच्छ । स यो ह वै तभ्दगवन्मनुष्येषु प्रायणान्तमोङ्कारमभिध्यायीत । कतमं वाव स तेन लोकं जयतीति । तस्मै स होवाच ॥१॥

V-1: Next, Satyakama, son of Sibi, asked him, "O venerable sir, which world does he really win thereby, who among men, intently meditates on Om in that wonderful way till death?" To him he said:

अब शिबिपुत्र सत्यकाम ने उनसे पूछा - भगवन् ! मनुष्यों में जो कोई भी मृत्युपर्यन्त उस ओंकार का ध्यान करता है, उससे वह किन लोकों को जीत लेता है ?॥१॥

एतद्वै सत्यकाम परं चापरं च ब्रह्म यदोङ्कारः । तस्माद्विद्वानेतेनैवायतनेनैकतरमन्वेति ॥२॥

V-2: O Satyakama, this very Brahman, that is (known as) the inferior and superior, is but this Om. Therefore the illumined soul attains either of the two through this one means alone.

वे उससे बोले - हे सत्यकाम ! यह ओंकार ही वह पर और अपर ब्रह्म है । विद्वान् पुरुष इसी के आश्रय से दोनों में से किसी एक को प्राप्त हो जाता है ॥२॥

स यध्येकमात्रमभिध्यायीत स तेनैव संवेदितस्तूर्णमेव जगत्याभिसम्पध्यते । तमृचो मनुष्यलोकमुपनयन्ते स तत्र तपसा ब्रह्मचर्येण श्रद्धया सम्पन्नो महिमानमनुभवति ॥३॥

V-3: Should he meditate on Om as consisting of one letter he becomes enlightened even by that and attains a human birth on the earth. The Rik mantras lead him to the human birth. Being endued there with self-control, continence, and faith he experiences greatness.

वह यदि ओंकार की एक मात्रा का ध्यान करता है तो उससे संवेदना को प्राप्त कर शीघ्र ही जगत में उत्पन्न होता है । उसे ऋचाएँ मनुष्य लोक में ले जाती हैं । वहाँ वह तप, ब्रह्मचर्य, और श्रद्धा से संपन्न होकर महिमा का अनुभव करता है ॥३॥

अथ यदि द्विमात्रेण मनसि सम्पध्यते सोऽन्तरिक्षं यजुर्भिरुन्नीयते सोमलोकम् । स सोमलोके विभुतिमनुभूय पुनरावर्तते ॥४॥

V-4: Now gain, if he meditates on Om with the help of the second letter, he becomes identified with the mind. By the Yajur mantras he is lifted to the intermediate space, the world of the Moon. Having experienced greatness in the lunar world, he turns round again.

यदि वह दो मात्राओं की मन से उपासना करता है, तो वह अन्तरिक्ष को प्राप्त होता है । उसे यजुःश्रुतियाँ सोमलोक में ले जाती हैं । सोमलोक की विभूतियों का अनुभव कर वह पुनः लौट आता है ॥४॥

यः पुनरेतं त्रिमात्रेणोमित्येतेनैवाक्षरेण परं पुरुषमभिध्यायीत स तेजसि सूर्ये सम्पन्नः । यथा पादोदरस्त्वचा विनिर्भुच्यत एवं ह वै स पाप्मना विनिर्भुक्तः स सामभिरुन्नीयते ब्रह्मलोकं स एतस्माज्जीवघनात् परात्परं पुरुशयं पुरुषमीक्षते । तदेतौ श्लोकौ भवतः ॥५॥

V-5: Again, any one who meditates on the supreme Purusha with the help of this very syllable Om, as possessed of three letters, becomes unified in the Sun, consisting of light. As a snake becomes freed from its Slough, exactly in a similar way, he becomes freed from sin, and he is lifted up to the world of Brahma (Hiranyagarbha) by the Sama mantras. From this total mass of creatures (that Hiranyagarbha is) he sees the supreme Purusha that penetrates every being and is higher than the higher One (viz. Hiranyagarbha). Bearing on this, there occur two verses:

पुनः जो तीन मात्राओं वाले इस ‘ओम्’ द्वारा परमपुरुष का ध्यान करता है वह तेजोमय सूर्यलोक को प्राप्त होता है । जिस प्रकार सर्प केंचुली से निकल आता है, उसी प्रकार वह पापों से मुक्त हो जाता है । वह सामश्रुतियों द्वारा ब्रह्मलोक में ले जाया जाता है । वह इस जीवनघन से परे उस हृदयस्थ परम पुरुष का साक्षात करता है । इस सम्बन्ध में ये श्लोक हैं ॥५॥

तिस्रो मात्रा मृअत्युमत्यः प्रयुक्ता अन्योन्यसक्ताः अनविप्रयुक्ताः । क्रियासु बाह्याभ्यन्तरमध्यमासु सम्यक् प्रयुक्तासु न कम्पते ज्ञः ॥६॥

V-6: The three letters (by themselves) are within the range of death. But if they are closely joined, one to another, are not divergently applied to different objects, and are applied to the three courses of action - external, internal and intermediate - that are properly resorted to, then the man of enlightenment does not shake (i.e. remains undisturbed).

तीनों ही मात्राएँ मृत्यु से युक्त है, एक दूसरे से संयुक्त रहकर प्रयुक्त की गयी हों या प्रथक-प्रथक करके प्रयुक्त की गयी हों । बाह्य, आभ्यान्तर और मध्य क्रियाओं में उनका सम्यक प्रयोग किया जाने पर ज्ञानी विचलित नही होता ॥६॥

ऋग्भिरेतं यजुर्भिरन्तरिक्षं सामभिर्यत् तत् कवयो वेदयन्ते । तमोङ्कारेणैवायतनेनान्वेति विद्वान् यत्तच्छान्तमजरममृतमभयं परं चेति ॥७॥

V-7: The intelligent know this world that is attainable by the Rik mantras, the intermediate space achievable by the Yajur mantras, and that which is reached by the Sama mantras. The enlightened man attains that (threefold) world through Om alone; and through Om as an aid, he reaches that also which is the supreme Reality that is quiet and beyond old age, death and fear.

ऋक् द्वारा इस लोक को, यजुः द्वारा अंतरिक्ष को और साम द्वारा उस लोक को ले जाया जाता है जिसे ज्ञानी पुरुष जानते हैं । उस ओंकार के आलम्बन द्वारा ही विद्वान् उसे पा लेता है, वह जो शान्त, जरारहित, मृत्युरहित, भयरहित और सर्वश्रेष्ठ है ॥७॥

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मनो हि द्विविधं प्रोक्तं शुद्धं चाशुद्धमेव च । अशुद्धं कामसंकल्पं शुद्धं कामविवर्जितम्॥१॥ 1. The mind is chiefly spoken of as of...